Mom Creates APP To Prevent Kids From Ignoring Calls

The Youth Culture Report (5)

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Father’s Day: Encouragement of Faith

Jan Schmidt is an intern with Vision 2 Hear. He has been with us since March and been doing a bang up job! Jan will soon join up with his mission team who is coming to America on July 16 and then they will all return to Germany by August 6.  We thought we’d get some insights from Jan’s Dad about parenting for some of our Father’s Day focus since Jan just graduated and this is his first trip overseas alone. We wondered what kind of things Jan’s dad thought through as he wrestled with letting his son make such a journey. Here’s what Jan’s dad wrote us:

Father’s Day – Encouragement Of Faith

“Two things shall children get from their parents: Roots and wings.”

This sentence was written down by the great German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in the 19th century. Every father wants to be a good father to his children. I wanted to give my children essential things for their life:

Curiosity for the world and other cultures

Respect for other people

Faith who cares also through hard times

The question that I asked myself again and again: “How do I communicate this in a practical way?” I noticed that an essential answer (which never changed during all the last years) was: “I have to exemplify these things to my son through my own life.”

In his adolescence my son grew away from me. I’ve learned to accept him in his growth and his personality, and to endure his (own and other than my) arguments. I didn’t always succeed in overcoming all this difficulty.

As he grew up, I didn’t want this situation to continue so I learned to spend more time with him. We travelled (with an overnight stay), we went to the cinema and we talked together. We shared life.

I’ve learned from him; I also learned to set him free (I gave him “wings”), to make his own experiences, to realize his own dreams, to live his own life. For that purpose I encourage(d) and support(ed) him; with words, with my action – and with my prayers: because the success of  good fatherhood only comes from God Himself; the best father for us all.

God bless you, my son!

Portrait_Markus__1__pdf__1_page_Markus Schmidt (Jan’s Dad)


Police Superintendent

Snapchat: An App Informative



How harmless can a ghost be? Snapchat is a picture/video text messaging app launched in 2011 that lets the user send a picture or video of themselves and set a time limit as to how long the message will last. Hence the ‘ghost” icon. It has become known as the app made for “sexting”. Boasting 50 million “snaps”-a-day, Snapchat is something your kids have certainly heard about if they are not using.

How it works:

Snapchatters take a picture or video of themselves, called a “selfie”. They then determine how long the “chat” will last, which ranges from 2 to 10 seconds. After determining to whom they will send the message, they initiate the message and that’s it. Once the receiver gets the message, they can view it for the determined amount of time and then, “poof”, it’s gone. Unless the receiver takes a screenshot of the pic, that is. If this happens, the pic can be reposted on websites, blogs, or messaged to others via similar messaging apps or tools.

With this being the case, one can easily see why using Snapchat can be dangerous for kids and students. An unwise choice sending a pic, even as a joke can resurface in places we don’t want to think about. Why not take some time today and talk to your child or students about Snapchat?

Leadership: Temptations

Everyone faces temptation. Matthew 4:1

If Jesus had to deal with temptation, we cannot be surprised when we must. Because of the sinful nature within us, temptation is not only external like for Christ coming from the devil, but internal coming from our own desires and lusts. Romans 13:14 The degree to which temptation affects us is determined by how much of the sinful nature still controls our lives. Galatians 5:17 Being tempted itself is not a sin nor does it denote that one is necessarily more “sinful” than another. However, it does draw attention to the areas where the flesh or Satan would like to have control. The areas where we feel most tempted are the areas where we would possibly bring God the most glory or most shame.

Temptation seeks to satisfy a God-given desire in an ungodly way.

The lure for temptation is that it promises something we desire, which is a God-created hunger, but it cheapens it by promoting some kind of shortcut, circumventing God’s plan or principles. Temptation uses our natural desires against us and seeks to destroy God’s work in us or through us by making our desires god.

Our temptations can reveal how we could be best used by God.

Temptations expose the areas of our lives where we are most susceptible to sin and disobedience. The natural inclinations and gravity toward a sin or temptation should stir up awareness of each person’s proclivity toward a certain action or  inaction. James 1:4 When we recognize the temptation for what it is, it will help us in understanding how God intends to use us for His glory and how Satan desires to expose us for God’s ridicule.

Temptations have an escape. 1 Corinthians 10:12-14

Temptations may be strong but they do not have to dominate. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and yielding to His leading, temptation does not have to control our lives. We can overcome. God has promised a way out of temptation for those who are willing to look for it. The reason so many give into temptation is not that there wasn’t an escape but because they used temptation as an escape itself. Temptation promises quick relief or momentary satisfaction that can be hard to resist  unless a person is committed to yielding to Holy Spirit. Entertaining temptation as an option in anyway is a surefire way to become wrapped up in it.

Get outta there!

When faced with a temptation, no matter how trivial it may seem, RUN! 2 Timothy 2:22  Temptation will come and your response needs to be RUN! Flee temptation as we are told in scripture. Don’t try to understand the temptation. Don’t try to be stronger than the tempter. Paul said he placed no confidence in his flesh. When we acknowledge that sin is strong, we will run to Christ. He alone is stronger!

Leadership: Get back up!

One of the truest tests of people in leadership is their resolve to get back up again…to never quit! Resilience is a quality that each person who aspires to lead must possess. This is the capacity to endure hardship, take hits, get the wind knocked out and still rise again as though unscathed. This is no easy task mind you. There are tons of people who would be leaders yet they do not have the resilience nor tenacity to push forward. Here are a few things to consider the next time you get knocked down.

 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that isset before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. Hebrews 12:1-4

1) Cloud of Witnesses

People are watching to see how you will handle the situation you are in. People are waiting to see if you will move forward. People’s decision to follow you into the unknown hinges on how you handle the hardship. A leader must have some fight within him to move forward. Finding the will to fight is all about what we see. A leader sees people who are in need of inspiration, motivation and encouragement and he gives it to them by getting back up and continuing onward! Leaders realize that this is not the first time nor the last time difficulties will come and they are prepared for the fight of their lives. They also look to formidable leaders of the past to learn from their mistakes and successes.

2) Cling to Hope

If there’s anything a leader needs when knocked down, it’s hope! But this is also what the leader must provide for the people. Far too often, when tough times come people resort to being relieved and want ease of pain and suffering. Therefore they result to clinging to “sin” or things that will make they “feel” better but only weigh them down. These things do not provide hope for a future only comfort for a moment. Leaders who rise again provide inspiration for those who are grasping for straws of hope looking for someone or something to believe in.

3) Consider Jesus

As the ultimate leader, Jesus exemplified the resilience we all need to aspire to obtain. From physical beatings to the emotional anguish of being rejected and left alone, Jesus endured the cross despising its shame. It seemed as though he was knocked down, even knocked out when he was killed and yet what did he do but rise again?!! If there’s anyone to model in times of hardship, difficulty, or stress, it’s Jesus.

In becoming someone worth following, we have to remember we are being watched and modeled, we have to provide people with something to hold onto that will lead them to the desired future and we have to be like Jesus and get back up again!

Who are your cloud of witnesses? Who’s watching you? Who are you watching?

What hardships, difficulties, or decisions are you facing that will affect the people around you?

How are you handling those? Are you depressed? Are you an inspiration? Where do you get your motivation? How can you motivate others?

To what are you clinging to and holding onto as your source of relief? Where is your hope?

How can you provide hope for others?

As a leader, are you casting a vision of hope or are you casting shadows of doubt?

Take some time and look back on your life, consider your own resilience and ability to overcome. As you look at your life, how has God resurrected you? How has God breathed new life into you again? How can you be more like Jesus today? Have you fallen or failed as a leader? Seek forgiveness and get back up again! Jesus rose for our justification and to empower us to overcome with Him! Get back up and keep moving forward!

Leadership: Leaders Are Learners

The phrase is not new with me but it is a great and true principle for anyone in leadership: leaders are learners. Leaders understand that they don’t know it all and put themselves in a position to learn from anyone at anytime. Being humble enough to seek wisdom, counsel and knowledge from others is in itself a smart thing to do. Here are a few ways I would suggest to increase your learning ability.

For this reason also, since the day we heard this, we haven’t stopped praying for you. We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, 10 so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:9-10

1) Pray

In the book of James chapter 1 verse 5, the author makes it clear that we can ask for wisdom if we are lacking.The passage above indicates that praying for others spiritual enlightenment along with our own is an important thing. Paul communicates to the people at Colosse that it is God’s will for them to know God’s will and have knowledge and understanding of God’s movement around them. Leaders take time to pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding and the mind to process information so as to lead according to God’s will.

2) Read

As I’ve heard leaders are learners I have also heard leaders are readers. In a video age where reading is becoming less and less emphasized, I have to encourage would-be leaders to be people who still read. The array of information accessible to us is untold! At our fingertips via the internet alone is literally a wealth of information, knowledge, understanding unlike any other period in history. Leaders take advantage of this information, reading through local, statewide, national and international news and events. This is something I have to work on more and more as I am personally not a fast or avid reader. But as I am getting older, I realize the importance of being keenly aware of wider variety of information. Reading is a discipline any leader must adopt.

3) Teach

As a leader look at yourself as a teacher. When we have to teach someone a task or subject it requires us to have done our own homework. Putting ourselves in positions to teach, mentor, tutor or coach is a great way to increase our own learning and knowledge.When teaching we are able to practice new study habits, develop our skills in communicating and extend our influence. Taking on the position of a teacher will most certainly remind you of how to be a good student!


Leadership: The Everyday Leader

Leadership is as much about everyday things as moments that shape history. In fact, it’s often what we do everyday that determines how and if we will be effective in moments of crisis. Here are a few thoughts to prepare you to become an “everyday” kind of leader.

1)  Start with who you are.

If you want to be a significant leader you have to start here with who you are. Moreover, who you want to become. It’s the ins and outs of everyday situations, relationships, and decisions that shape people into leaders. Giving time and attention to private disciplines will help a person develop into a public figure that is worth following. Investing time in evaluation of everything from personal financial portfolios to personal grooming tips and appearance go a long way in setting one up to be someone others will look to for leadership. Determining what core values are important, how much time you will spend with family verses work, what disciplines you will adopt and practice regardless of the position of leadership have as much to do with the role you will play in the future as the position of leadership itself. Leaders give attention to themselves and preparation everyday, regardless of their roles; they start with who they are and focus on who they are becoming.

2) Start where you are.

You can’t lead where you are not. You may have influence in places where you are not but people follower current present leaders. Sometimes leaders can become too focused on where they want to be instead of where they are. They can become caught up in a dream instead of shaping the future from the present. Leaders must have one foot in the present and another in the future. They have to start where they are. The dire reality of current situations are often what brings about the desire for change. Leaders are able to see the changes that must be made and often feel compelled to do something about it. However, many leaders jump ship and tend to leave a “place” forging into a new territory instead of trying to create change where they are. I understand  the difficulty of changing one’s current surroundings but I want to challenge all leaders to be people who are committed to bring change right where they are.

Furthermore, would-be leaders may not have a recognized position of leadership but this doesn’t mean that one can’t make a difference. You have to start where you are. If that’s at home learning to lead your own life well, then take the lead! You have to start where you are. Learning to lead oneself well is the only way to being secure as a public figure.

3) Start when you are.

What many fail to realize is that leadership is NOW! A person desiring leadership understands that decisions made in this moment determine effectiveness in the future. Just because a person doesn’t have a visible role as a leader doesn’t mean they should live like that! Becoming a leader worth following means that you start living like a leader now. You have to make decisions, adopt practices, seek wisdom, train and exercise your will as though you were leading right now! There is no better time than now. If you are waiting to become “ready” you will never ever get there. Act like a leader now. Think like one. Live like one…everyday!