A New Way To Give: Amazon Smile



If you plan to shop online using Amazon, please consider this new way to shop and give at the same time! Anyone who shops on Amazon can support Vision 2 Hear with zero extra effort or cost through the Amazon Smile. Here’s how it works:

Just make purchases on Smile.Amazon.com instead of the regular Amazon site.  You will find the same merchandise on this site. It is still Amazon!

Next, search “Vision 2 Hear” as the charity and select. That’s it!
A portion of everything you spend on this site goes toward Vision 2 Hear and helps us make a difference around the world. Would you please bookmark Smile.Amazon.com  and pass it along to all of your friends and help us, especially this holiday season? Thanks for your consideration!

Giving Tuesday (One Week Away)

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It’s just one week away, Giving Tuesday, that is. I’ll be in India during this time (I leave on Saturday). With this week leading up to it though, I’d like to ask you to consider making a donation toward Vision 2 Hear. May I submit 4 major reasons why Vision 2 Hear could use your support?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA#1 Our ministry serves to equip followers of Jesus to making other disciples. Over the course of the last year, we have been able to invest in several student leader’s lives. We had an intern from Germany who traveled with V2H for close to 6 months. Your support helped make that possible, covering meals and even helping him take a trip with us to Nicaragua. We also had another intern from the USA traveling with us concurrently who also benefitted from V2H supporters. Both also traveled to multiple locations within the states sharing and performing with WAVE. Neither of those guys would have been able to experience Nicaragua as a cross-cultural first-time experience nor learn about leading, speaking, and growing deeper in their relationship with Christ apart from V2H helping make it possible.

youth-culture-report png#2 We also provide a news site called TheYouthCultureReport.com which provides news daily on trends, stats, media and educational articles related to youth ministry. This site is great for parents as well as those serving in full-time ministry. The Youth Culture Report also generates a weekly Top 10 list that is emailed out each Friday for those who subscribe. This site has been operating as part of our ministry for the last 3 years and has global reach as we see people from all around the world tap into our site for sources each day.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA#3 V2H is committed to helping around the world. I just got back a couple weeks ago from Nicaragua and El Salvador and as I said, I leave for India on Saturday. God has allowed us to have meaningful relationships with people in several countries through the years. V2H has sponsored kids for their education (right now we are paying for one guy’s college fees in El Salvador) and we have helped others purchase motorcycles for sustaining a business to digging water wells to provide life and health. Your donations allow us to give to those in need and help them get education, maintain a healthier life and ultimately understand the love of God in Christ.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA#4 The last reason I would give is because without your support none of this would be possible. We are a non-profit organization and we do not have lots of sponsors nor supporters. God has been faithful and I am sure He will remain faithful. I’m just wondering if you are one of the ways God will show His faithfulness in provision for what we need to continue into 2015? Would you consider making a sacrificial gift now or in honor of #GivingTuesday? We have many people we would like to help and several mission trips/projects slated for 2015. We need your support and prayers. If you feel led to give, donate here.

As I close, let me say I am deeply thankful for all of you have given and supported us through the years. Vision 2 Hear started in 2002 and here we are 12 years later doing things around the world I would have never imagined. It is my prayer this Thanksgiving that you will be blessed for all you have helped us to do around the world this year. May God richly reward you for your generous support of V2H.


George Profile

George Lockhart,

President of Vision 2 Hear Ministries



Rosendo And South Africa

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Hey, I am Rosendo! I am 19 years old and graduated from high school this year. This fall I started an internship at Metro World Child.

What is it? Metro World Child is a children’s ministry founded by Pastor Bill Wilson. We reach about 120,000 kids worldwide, every week.

I’m in New York City right now to have a deeper faith in God, but also to get a concrete dream or desire for the rest of my life.
I was sure I was going to go back home to Germany to study, but God put a desire in my heart to become more equipped with Him. He showed me, through prayer and a “slap in my face” moment, that he has a other plans for me right now.

Pastor Bill Wilson once talked about an internship in South Africa. They need support and only have 4 spots available. I never had a heart for Africa, but in the moment he said it, my heart started to pound so fast that it was clear to be God’s call. He then began to open the doors quickly! I was in a meeting with Pastor Bill when he took his phone out during the meeting and called the Pastor in Africa. A few moments later I was acceptedfor the Internship.

Now I have an internship in South Africa that will help to reach hundreds of kids in Johannesburg. It starts right after Christmas, but I still need my Visa and plane ticket. That is why I need prayer and  support to raise money for my internship.

Anything you can give, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Give a donation here:Gofundme:Rosendo


India Mission Trip

pastor rajendra

On November 29, George will be traveling with two others for their first trip to India. New Vision Church has long been involved in Vijayawada, India. In fact, a couple years ago, Pastor Yellamelli Rajendra, who began many missions in India visited the USA and traveled to Florida with George and Vision 2 Hear and New Vision.

india orphansAs we go, our work will include leading a few seminars for parents and teens as well as a few outreaches through the churches Pastor Rajendra has started. We will be working with some orphans, which Pastor Rajendra also houses through the ministry in Vijayawada. The time will be packed with many teaching, training, and church services over the week on the ground.

The group leaves Saturday November 29th around 3pm and will fly to Mumbai, stay the night and then take another flight to Vijayawada on the 30th. Over the last couple of years, New Vision church has been part of helping sponsor orphans and supplying funds to build a playground on the property. We are very excited to be able to visit there first hand and see the work Pastor Rajendra has accomplished for the Kingdom.

Thank you for your prayers as Vision 2 Hear continues to expand its reach around the world, taking WAVE ministry along with a powerful gospel message to make disciples of Jesus Christ. If you would like to give, please donate now here.

New Zombies: Enoch


new zombies

22 And after the birth of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and fathered other sons and daughters. 23 So Enoch’s life lasted 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God; then he was not there because God took him. Genesis 5:22-24

There are only two people who have never died: Elijah is one and Enoch, the other. What does it take to walk with God like that? That’s a New Zombie kind of walk, to be sure!

The Main Idea:

WALK with God and you will END UP with God.

Enoch walked with God. For 300 years, he walked with God. Everyday. Day in. Day out. Enoch walked with God. That’s a long time. This means that they walked together. He was aligned with God. They went everywhere, did everything, together. Their steps were in sync and it was certainly unique. And in the end it was Enoch walking…

View original post 251 more words


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Vision 2 Hear has joined #GivingTuesday, a first of its kind effort that will harness the collective power of a unique blend of partners—charities, families, businesses and individuals—to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. Coinciding with the Thanksgiving Holiday and the kickoff of the holiday shopping season, #GivingTuesday will inspire people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they support and help create a better world. Taking place December 2, 2014 – the Tuesday after Thanksgiving – #GivingTuesday will harness the power of social media to create a national moment around the holidays dedicated to giving, similar to how Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become days that are, today, synonymous with holiday shopping.

George Lockhart, President of Vision 2 Hear says:

“Vision 2 Hear is joining #GivingTuesday is because it’s a great way to be actively aware throughout the holiday season. So many in the world today have much less than we do in America and this is a great way not only for us to give back but to experience Christ and the true meaning of Thanks-Giving”.

Funds given toward #GivingTuesday will benefit people that we work with in our various mission projects. With work growing in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Nigeria to developing work in the UAE and India, Vision 2 Hear has many avenues to help change the world. Your giving is what helps make this possible.

Seeing an opportunity to channel the generous spirit of the holiday season to inspire action around charitable giving, a group of friends and partners, led by the 92nd Street Y (92Y), came together to find ways to promote and celebrate the great American tradition of giving. Thought leaders in philanthropy, social media and grassroots organizing joined with 92Y to explore what is working in modern philanthropy and how to expand these innovations throughout the philanthropic sector. The concept gained steam, and with the help of the United Nations Foundation and other founding partners, more than 10,000 organizations have joined the movement and are providing creative ways people can embrace #GivingTuesday and collaborate in their giving efforts to create more meaningful results.

Those who are interested in joining Vision 2 Hear’s #GivingTuesday initiative can donate here.

For more details about the #GivingTuesday movement, visit the #GivingTuesday website (www.givingtuesday.org), Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday) or follow #GivingTuesday (https://twitter.com/GivingTues) and the #GivingTuesday hashtag on Twitter.

About #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is a movement to celebrate and provide incentives to give. It will culminate with a global day of giving on December 2, 2014. This effort harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners— charities, families, businesses and individuals—to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. #GivingTuesday will inspire people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they celebrate and help create a better world. #GivingTuesday will harness the power of social media to create a global moment that is dedicated to giving around the world. To learn more about #GivingTuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit:
Website: www.givingtuesday.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday3
Twitter: twitter.com/GivingTues

El Salvador: Final Update


Last Friday was Halloween and it was a busy day to say the least. We woke and drove over to the church and unloaded supplies for the Glow Night. Then I went to meet with the GAP students (15 students who are serving in El Salvador for a year). I had the privilege to share with on two occasions: once about mission work and the second concerning spiritual leadership. I was honored to be able to speak into their lives.

After the session, I was back over at the church for a practice for the evening to make sure all the songs for Glow were a go. Everyone did well and the decorations had come together well thanks to Trevor, La Iglesias interns, and the V2H ES WAVE team. We invested a couple hundred dollars into decorations and refreshments because we wanted this outreach event to go off well and really communicate the picture of glowing in the darkness as the Light of God.

We had several guests who came for Glow Night and the performance and message went very well. All those who attended not only enjoyed it but walked away very encouraged and challenged by the message. Here are a few pictures from the evening.


On Saturday I had the pleasure to lead the youth group meeting. This was really cool because many of the GAP students’ parents were in the country for a week long visit.

Sunday morning was somewhat hectic. We arrived with about 20 minutes until service and had much to prepare like the drawings for the Jesus Paid It All paintings, setting up the keynote with TV and sound. Even though it was crazy, it all came together. We performed a few songs with the WAVE team and even the GAP team had learned some parts for the songs to assist in leading worship with us. I shared about developing and growing our faith. The Lord seemed to bless the service even with all of my usual technical problems that travel with me regardless of all the preparations.

We left church and went to the cemetery where Jorge’s grandmother was buried. I had no idea this day was the DAY OF THE DEAD. This occasion was a very unique experience. People were everywhere, literally backing up traffic and lining the streets and grave sites. There were vendors selling flowers, food and other items to those who were present to celebrate the life of those who had passed away. This was certainly unlike anything I’ve seen in the USA. People not only set up chairs and blankets to stay a while but it was a very festive event. Music was played, kites were flown and people spent a considerable amount of time decorating the headstones of their lost loved ones. We spent about an hour with Jorge’s family laughing and taking pictures.

We went to a great dinner afterward and are our full of steaks and cheese. It was really great food and an awesome atmosphere hearing the marimba being played in the background.

After lunch we visited Gloria and Mario’s new home. They will be married next summer and they wanted to show us the home they will be moving into. Wow! What a great place. I am so happy for them and look forward to being part of their wedding celebration next year.

2014-11-02 20.46.43 HDRThat evening we went to another restaurant called La Pampa with our friends The Lopezs. Trevor stayed the week at their home and they wanted to have dinner together. I was surprised by how excellent this meal was also! Simply great. It was a wonderful night with them and I really appreciate their generosity for the meal and for housing Trevor all week.

Monday didn’t slow much at all. We awakened and made our way to Cojutepeque, where there is a Christian deaf school we have visited before in the past. To follow up and keep the relationship fresh we drove an hour bringing with us some refreshments for the kids.

Upon arrival we were warmly greeted, as kids signed excitedly wondering who we were and why we were there. We set things up, only having a set of computer speakers for sound. ( This only mattered because of us needing to be able to hear the music).

We shared a few songs and then the refreshments. They all enjoyed everything very much. Kids and adults were appreciative of us making the journey to visit them and remember them. We snapped more than a few pics. I chose some here:

2014-11-03 15.41.31 HDRWe went back to the city where I had lunch with a long time friend Chepe who was back in ES after serving in Iraq as a missionary for a couple years. It was great to catch up with him and hear what God is doing in his life. Not only that but to also share with him some of the plans we have for serving in ES and to get some feedback from him. It was a fruitful time all the way around and it was a good excuse to eat the Papa John’s buffet, which we don’t have in the USA.

After the meal and great time of sharing, I went back to the dentist to have my stitches removed from my tooth extraction. We stopped and got some souvenirs before going to look at a building for possible deaf ministry.

The building is located downtown and would be more than sufficient to provide workshops and training for deaf people. The building would be used to teach them different skills and help them with job training. It would also provide a place for them to have worship. The WAVE team could also use the building for training and practices. Please join us in prayer as we look further into this opportunity. The cost would be $600 a month, which includes rent, water and electricity. Another really cool thing is that it is right above skate park. This skate park is the only covered skate park in this area. V2H would be able to use this space and work with owner for more outreach.

My final meal was dinner with the Campos and Pineda families. While eating, we discussed some option for the future. It was a good but hard discussion as we talked about many things and the direction of V2H ES. In the end, we had a good sense of the direction we would move, which essentially means Jorge will train and mentor some people to run ministries in his absence. With the likelihood being very high for Jorge getting a job in the USA with a church in January, this decision had to be made. If the event doesn’t go down that way, Jorge will continue to run V2H ES but he will have much more help, which is a win/win situation.

All in all, the ministry and trips to both El Salvador and Nicaragua were very good in many different ways. I’ll update some of the lessons and direction for the future soon. Thank you so much for your prayers and support of this trip. Much was done for the Kingdom!


